About the Project
KISKAM is a repatriation project whose aim is to empower communities in urban slums to settle sustainably in their rural homes. This is done through a voluntary and demand-based process with an emphasis on developing the capacity of individual beneficiaries with skills to enable them to acquire livelihoods at their destination.

The pilot of this project targets applicants from five villages in Kibera: Kisumu Ndogo, Lindi, Gatwekera, Silanga, Kambimuru, and Mashimoni) and implementation will last 2 years.

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Most of the KISKAM beneficiaries have turned to farming in addition to running their businesses

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A beneficiary is having a chat with the consultants who went to check on her at her home

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A beneficiary together with a consultant at his farm

Consultative Forum
At the heart of our approach is community participation. Collaborative platforms have been useful in fostering community engagement, to understand their unique struggles and identify potential solutions. Through these forums, we have discovered that urban-rural migration holds immense promise for residents of urban informal settlements.

Translating aspirations to actionable business plans and finally into actual enterprises has been an evolving and revealing journey.
The business training empowered participants to embark on their entrepreneurial endeavors with confidence. Congratulations to our business graduates.

HCSOM Delegation
We were honored to host the HCSOM delegation who visited our beneficiaries to get to undertsand the progress of KISKAM Project. Mr. Ominde here demonstrates how the power saw works and his quest to cultivate a living with the gudget.

Collaborations with our Stakeholders
Close collaboration with our stakeholders continues to be key in the implementation of our activities.
The local administration has been a key partner to NCT in the execution of its mandate.

The initiative apart from reaching out to urban vulnerable populations who can access better-living conditions in their rural homes also seeks to decongest urban slums and take advantage of emerging opportunities back in the counties brought about by the devolution of governance in Kenya. The selection of beneficiaries is based on a thoroughly objective and criteria-based process to discern commitment and guarantee successful reintegration. NCT’s goal in this process is to achieve improved welfare for repatriates through access to sustainable livelihoods, social services, and networks in the new destinations.


Our first group of 51 families who made a decision to grab the opportunity embarked on the journey back to their rural homes. All the 51 families are now well settled across the three counties: Kisumu, Siaya and Vihiga.

Patrick has settled well back in his rural home. In the nearest shopping Centre, he runs a cereal business which he has expanded to include other commodities. Being an experienced carpenter he has gone ahead to open a carpentry shop to apply his skills, provide service and mentor the youth.

Seraphine and her husband saw a gap in the construction industry. As the counties develop across the country, demand for construction and electrical materials is big.
In their electrical shop business, they are cultivating a livelihood to nurture their young family.

Since relocating from Kibera to Kisumu Tobias has settled well at home, where he enjoys his retail business and interaction with his customers. He is optimistic about the future.